Our Vision

PNSC will become a beacon of success for the swimming community in the South East region, enabling all to achieve their swimming potential.

“A club with a performance culture and a community heart”

Swimmer Centered

 Coach Led

Committee Supported

Our Mission

To provide a fun, inclusive and inspiring environment to enable swimmers of all abilities to achieve their potential, both in the pool and beyond

Our Values

Fun, Fairness, Respect, Innovation, Value, Sustainability

Guiding Principles


Supporting the community by reducing barriers to swimming


Supporting equality and diversity through mutual understanding and respect for others


We acknowledge achievement, attainment and commitment across the whole club “celebrating our successes”


Developing our capabilities, facilities and relationships to enable our swimming community to thrive


Fostering a transparent connected community by being open and approachable supported by timely, effective communication


Develop a positive culture through role modelling appropriate behaviours throughout the club in all we do