Squad Fees

From 1st September 2024

12 Payments per year

Academy Bronze  £33.50
Academy Silver  £39.00
Academy Gold  £47.00
Junior Bronze  £55.00
Junior Silver  £62.00  
Junior Gold  £74.00
Junior Competitive  £85.00 
Intermediate Competitive  £64.50
Regional Youth £101.50
Regional Age £122.50 
National 1 £148.00
National 2 £148.00
Junior Club  £35.00
Club  £42.00
Competitive Club  £55.00
Masters 1 £80.50
Masters 2 £60.00
Satellite Programme  £27.00
Advanced Swimming  £35.00
Sunday Masters  £31.50
University (holidays only) £27.00

Squad fees are calculated on an annual basis. They are amortised into a monthly fee and already take into account cancelled sessions and holiday periods. Each member pays the full squad fee irrespective of the number of sessions attended. Places in our squads are limited and the club have to pay for salaries and pool time regardless of attendance. See our Membership Fee Policy for further details.