PNSC Masters Pathway

Advanced Swimming Sessions

Squad Objectives: A squad to build a strong foundation of swimming and refining technical skills with the goal of competing on open water and triathlon competitions. 
    Coach: Sam Madden
    Land Training Coach: N/A
    Pool Hours Available: 1 hour
    Land Training Hours Available: N/A
    Target Ages  (Based at the 31st December each year)  18+
    Squad Entry Criteria Attendance:
    • To attend as many sessions as possible to maximise progress 
    • Follow the programme designed by the Lead Coach
    • Take responsibility for own performance by being in constant communication with the lead coach
    • To be able to demonstrate a willingness to learn new skills 
    • A strong desire to improve on current skills and technique
    • A team player – polite, supportive, caring and empathetic 
    • Adherence to the PNSC Code of Conduct at all times
    •  Can access training after completing a trial session, by one of the club’s coaches
      Squad Exit Criteria:
      • Unable to attain the relevant attendance, performance and attitude standards as set in the squad criteria
      • Consistently late to sessions without agreement
      • Meeting criteria – a potential transition to other Masters squads