PNSC Masters Pathway

Masters 1

Squad Objectives: A programme targeted at swimmers over the age of 18 who want to perform at either Open or Master’s national competitions, who may also have outside commitments due to work or further education
    Coach: Sam Redman
    Support Coaches: Sam Madden and James Warrener
    Pool Hours Available: 11 hours (7.5 coached)
    Target Ages  (Based at the 31st December each year)  18+
    Squad Entry Criteria Attendance:
    • To attend as many sessions as possible to maximise progress and to keep up with the demands of the programme.
    • Monday am is a LC session & will be set and run by Lee Baldwin & Richard
      Pointon. The expectation is that Swimmers should only attend if they are able to take part in the full session. This session is available to full time, first claim squad members only.
    • Proven ability and commitment to following a competitive training programme
    • To target and attend County, Regional, National Masters competitions,
      both long and short course.
    • Has demonstrated a high level of dedication to the sport 
    • A desire to listen, learn & act upon coach feedback  
    • Takes responsibility for self-development, following the individual programme set by the Lead Coach
    • A high level of self-motivation to improve 
    • A positive mind set with growing ability to take personal responsibility for performances, attitude and attendance 
    • A team player – polite, supportive, caring and empathetic 
    • Adherence to the PNSC Code of Conduct at all times
    •  Can access training after completing a trial session, by one of the club’s coaches
      Squad Exit Criteria:
      • Unable to attain the relevant attendance, performance and attitude standards as set in the squad criteria
      • Consistently late to sessions without agreement